Friendly Pennsylvanians…

Training finished up today around noon, so some more time for sight-seeing.
Raghu (one of the guys on the course) has been driving me around a bit, along with Kenn and Daniel (two guys here on training from Denmark) over the last few days – the odd bit of sight-seeing etc. Since we all had some time to kill before flights home and so-on, we all went for a drive around Philly.
For once though I got to be the tourguide though – since I already knew how to get to the NFL and Baseball stadiums from the airport, which Kenn was just dying to get photo’s of. Friendly Pennsylvanian number 1 was the guy on the parking lot gate at Wauchovia Center, who let us in and out for free for our sight-seeing.
Then there was a run through downtown Philly and around the fringes of the Historic District, and surprise surprise, stuck in a traffic jam. Bit more driving around – spotting buildings, naval ships etc. and then time to head to the airport for everyone except me to take their flights back out.
I then jumped back on a SEPTA train to get back to Exton, but things went haywire when first I got on the train heading the wrong direction. Change at Market Street for the right train, and all seemd good until the guard came through about 2 stops before Exton asking why I and the woman sitting two seats in were still on the train since the last stop was about 5 minutes back – we’d both been absorbed in our iPods and hadn’t noticed everyone else get out. Oooops !!!!
Friendly Pennsylvanian number 2 was the guard who let us off the train without any hassles, and made sure that the next train along would stop for us.
Friendly Pennsylvanian number 3 was Brenda who I ended up passing time talking with while waiting for the next train. Turns out she and her husband are planning a trip to Australia, so she gave me a lift for the 5 miles from the train station to the hotel while I gave some recommendations of places to see in Sydney, Brisbane etc.
So how’s that – not bad for an unplanned afternoon touring around !!!

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